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Designer / Arnau Agustí, Francesc Baena

Year / 2020

Location / ELISAVA

Client / HyperloopTT

SALON / Official Trailer


The hyperloop system is a new means of transport for people and goods that reaches an average speed of 900 km/h. The size of the train is similar to that of a small airplane without wings and the carriages levitate inside the tubes.


Elisava students will be in charge of detecting the needs of travelers and designing the interior space of the passenger capsule. The challenge focuses on designing a comfortable wagon that meets all the technical and aesthetic expectations of users. To carry out the prototype, the students work based on the experience of the users and the technical requirements of high-speed transport.


In the absence of electronic devices, in the past the livingrooms were used for conversation, domestic activities such as sewing, reading the newspaper or playing games. As there was no central heating, the living room became the warmest room in the home as it had a large fireplace in a prominent place.

The term living room has always had connotations of elegance with respect to the more domestic living room. The lounges have traditionally been used to receive visitors, so the quality of the furniture and upholstery has been extremely careful in relation to the living room in which more common materials were used. In this second, the daily family activity was carried out, reserving the first for special occasions. Following this idea, the salon pretends to be a welcoming, relaxing and meeting point space, the living room concept has been the basis for projecting the design proposal, giving it that warm and open atmosphere so characteristic of this classic rooms.


Salon consists of activating a system of subspaces adapted to the needs of each user. A space of welcome and disconnection from the outside world. Live a unique experience in a space where you can feel your own senses. The intention of the project was to integrate any type of person into the space, giving them the right to decide their own privacy and make them feel part of a new infrastructure. The pure and agile character are reference aspects within the design work. A proposal that aims to generate a greater amplitude and a feeling of freedom, both spatial and emotional.


The main challenge of the project is to organize in the same space, different corners for all types of users: families, couples, commuters, early adopters and assisteds. Balancing curves and straight lines to generate a route and a practical and easy to understand the system of the interior.​ An element adapted to any type of need, within a large community connected by its own operation.



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